Monday, January 23, 2012

Water Tanks - A Green Choice

People have never really utilized the potential of water tanks. In earlier times water would often be stored in large vats of this kind. Water tanks were the obvious choice for storing water.

Mankind has not always been this settled - we used to have to wander the Earth looking for sustenance. Ever since the idea of staying in one place and building communities came to man, people also learned to construct water tanks and harness the available sources of life-giving water. This also led to the invention of the wheel and development of certain survival skills such as cooking, farming, sailing, and domestication of animals.

Early models were simple in design, featuring cisterns shaped from local materials. In order to prevent waste, people dug and sealed cisterns. Water tanks and cisterns soon became an important tool in maintaining communities and became a necessity for irrigation, agriculture, farming, livestock, food preparation, and architecture and life sustenance.

A small, simplistic creation like the water tank is the reason that we can live in communities all over the world. Technology has been developed so that we have the cheap, sturdy, high-tech tanks that we love today. Water tanks are now designed with completely different purposes in mind.

The materials used in the construction tanks vary greatly. In general, these tanks are made out of a combination of cement and galvanized iron. Science has revealed that plastic may be a better option as it does not contaminate the water supply.

Manufacturers now offer you a wide variety of plastic water tanks. Plastic water tanks are also more convenient to carry with you and transport. There are many different shades available so that your tank is not an eyesore at all.

You can decide whether you need a chemical contact tank, a simple ground water tank, or an elevated water tank. Most first time tank buyers opt for a ground water tank, as they are relatively simple to create. The principle is fairly straight forward - these tanks are built at surface level, so they collect all surface water, and not just rain.

A chemical contact tank, on the other hand, makes use of the FDA and NSF polyethylene chemicals to chemically treat the water upon contact. Various filtration processes eliminate the harmful elements from the water before you use it. This purification is a must if you plan on using the water for any use outside of your home.

More cities and communities are resorting to elevated tanks to solve their water needs. Elevation creates pressure, and it is this pressure that supplies water to different parts of the city at far distances. Elevated water tanks are also called water towers, and in most cases they serve as important city landmarks and tourist attractions.

If you are installing a tank in your area, keep the following elements in mind at all times. There are a variety of important factors to consider before you build a tank or erect a water tower. Experts also do their utmost to avoid backflow.

When you are interested of details about Water Tanks, feel free to hit the link and you'll be helped.