Thursday, March 15, 2012

Viewers' Choices for Free Movies Online

You can easily discover a good number of summaries nowadays that put together the most watchable films of all time. This is because there is such demand from watchers eager to know what they should watch next. It is highly unlikely that anyone now has not yet heard of free movies online.

Entertainment is always of value, especially when it comes for free. Below is a list of top Hollywood movies from the top Top 10 lists. These ultra-popular and top-grossing Hollywood films make Internet users rush to download a free full-length version or demand to get their full free movies online.

A popularly suggested option is "The Exorcist". "The Exorcist" changed how people imagined ghosts and other supernatural films and monsters. The scare-factor was brought by the possessed lead, a little girl who managed to make audiences scream without invoking ultra-high-tech effects.

The degree of horror in the movie was such that it made a lasting impression on watchers. It is impossible to wipe away the recall of certain scenes, such as the possessed child's creep down the stairs. That these shots are still referred to today proves how well-thought-out that movie was.

Titanic, the film that topped box office records for an unheard-of stretch has to be mentioned, of course. It is nigh-impossible to find a rundown of the greatest love stories in film that does not include this one. Another factor for its success might have been the excellent cast for the film.

This is commonly held to be the best of all the movies that were ever made about the supposedly unsinkable ship. Because the film's spotlight was on a couple who were falling in love amidst this historical tragedy, there was a humanized approach about it. This was the highest-grossing film of its time.

"The Lion King" is another film that simply must be mentioned in lists such as these, especially given how much it grossed at the box office. It has been considered the most profitable of all animated productions. This animated film has even trounced many live actor's films in terms of earnings.

There are also end-of-the-world films, naturally: one would be "War of the Worlds". The 1938 radio fiction-drama set nationwide panic as news reported an alien invasion by creatures from Mars. The more recent film versions are not considered as good, despite their striking imagery.

This list cannot end without "Forrest Gump" being mentioned. Endowed with a wonderfully agreeable lead, this was a film that was made with a delicate touch. Movies like these make Hollywood so captivating that people may compare it to a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get.

The above films are some of the greatest free movies online. There is simply something magical in the act of watching a movie of quality. It is no longer difficult to find copies of these now, fortunately, due to modern technology.

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